
Sound Healing Orchestra

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Harmonia _, 2200 Marinship Way, Sausalito, CA “Sound Healing Orchestra” Bodhi Setchko, Barbara Juniper, Gabriel Harris, Robert Powell, Stephen Meese

Vlad Cardema

This Sound Healing event is an open experiment in music medicine. participation will be sitting, standing or dancing. It is not intended to be a lie-down event. You are still encouraged to bring things to make yourself comfortable, ie: yoga mats, pillows, and blankets etc. Please no scents or perfume. This will be an alcohol free event.

We make no medical claims. We simply allow the vibrations of color, sound and light to resonate our being as they pass through us. Like waves of the ocean upon the shores of our soul, they invite the doors to open. Everything is slowed down, spacious simple and elegant. There is lots of breathing room and large spaces for the mind to relax in to. Connect with source and grow. Evolution happens. Oneness is.